
Who Are We?

Women2Women is the Women’s Ministry of Capital Christian Ministries International that impacts women and allows women through their different gifting to operate freely.

What Do We Do?

We have different activities that go on within the Women’s Department, these are;

  • Women’s Praise Team – called Women of Praise for those that love to sing.
  • Counseling young ladies, Pre-Marital, Post Marital and General Counseling.
  • Hospitality for those that love to serve.
  • Visitation and Outreach e.g. Hospitals and Homes.
  • Women’s Body Worship Dance.
  • Sanctuary Decor Team.

Who Qualifies to Attend?

All women in Capital Christian Worship Center and our young adult ladies.

When and Where Do We Meet?

We meet every 3rd Saturday of the month in different members’ homes around the city, from 14.00 -16.30hrs. Venue is advised in advance.

Why should you attend?

If you are a woman in Capital Christian Worship Ministries, you are expected to attend so that you can grow and also give good ideas in return, that can help grow the department (Iron Sharpens Iron).

Our Motto:

“Women Impacting Women”.