Lay Pastor Training
To find out when our next Lay Pastor training program will commence click here
Why Lay Pastor Training?
The term lay pastor means a person serving as church pastor with minimal to no pay and no higher ministry education. This model corresponds to that of the New Testament elder.
As the New Testament church developed, its organizational struc¬ture was not pre-defined. Instead, Jesus defined the mission but the structure took shape around mis¬sional need. The apostles comprised the first branch of church structure (Luke 9:1–6; Matt. 28:18–20; Acts 1:8, 9). The second branch emerged to meet social needs, explicitly so that these needs would not interfere with the apostolic mission. Thus the order of deacons was formed (Acts 6:1–7). Finally, the apostles appointed elders in every new city to provide spiritual guidance while the apostles moved on (Acts 14:23, 24; Titus 1:5). This was the third branch of church structure.
In the early church, the local elder became the primary spiritual leader while deacons attended to social needs and apostles shared the gospel abroad. Today’s pastor often comes tasked with all three functions: apos¬tolic mission expansion, deacon like social care, and elder-style spiritual guidance. The lay status of a lay pastor can facilitate a re-narrowing of the pastor’s role. It can also help recapture the apostolic function by freeing the overseer from handling social care tasks to leading mission expansion.
In essence, developing lay pas¬tors in the church can be a restorative model to help redis¬tribute ministry leadership according to the New Testament pattern. The results can lead to less fragmented ministers and more leaders helping to advance the mission.
Here at Capital Christian Ministries International, we endeavor to train leaders in our bi-annual Lay Pastor training program. This program equips identified leaders from within the Capital Christian Family who are willing to put a shoulder to the work of the Lord in CCMI. These are Men and Women, who have offered themselves to selfless service in Ministry Leadership of this Church. They have accepted to be held accountable in their representation of Christ, as under-shepherds of the Lord.