

LifeNet is the humanitarian arm of our Ministry Capital Christian Ministries International under the leadership of Bishop George and Rev. Beatrice Mbulo. Under this wing, we have a home for boys where we take care of vulnerable and disadvantaged children in our society. Through the continuous generous support of our partners, the Capital Christian Family, well-wishers and LifeNet management, we have over the past 15 years effectively carried out what the Word of God terms as true religion according to James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” It is our joy and privilege to introduce you to this noble cause.


Currently, with the support of our Ministry partners, we are in the process of building a home for LifeNet in order for us to expand our net in rescuing vulnerable and disadvantaged children of our society, as well as for us to move away from the regular routine of paying house rentals. This building project is in the Kabangwe Area in Lusaka, Zambia. Works are currently underway and we are making headway in building a suitable home for LifeNet Children’s Rescue Mission!

When we look at where we are coming from, the inception of LifeNet, to where we are and where we are going we can surely attest to God’s amazing grace. Join us on this great journey of transformation as we celebrate God’s love, hope, redemption and kindness.

“LifeNet- saving one Child at a time”.

For more information about LifeNet click here
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We appreciate your dedication to saving young lives in Africa through LifeNet.

For inquiries on how you can support LifeNet Contact us now

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