Vision Africa
The African spiritual landscape has experienced great times of divine visitation and a mighty harvest of souls in the past years. There is clear evidence that the church on our continent has gone through an unprecedented spiritual and numerical growth. The church has even made an indelible mark on the social and political scene of most African nations. We are thankful to the Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has favored our continent over the past years, as most of our faithful Christian workers and missionaries, have tirelessly labored in the name of the Lord.
There is, however a fresh breeze of the Holy Spirit blowing across the African continent, which is steering us towards a time of redefining the mission of the church among our people.
The incredible potency of the church, which we have experienced in a measured way in the past several years, still remains to be fully discovered. Capital Christian Ministries International will help contribute to the development of a more effective Gospel Outreach and strengthening of spiritual leadership on the African continent. One of the ways we will achieve a higher and broader level of camaraderie as a body of believers, of like faith, is by hosting special Conference gatherings of God’s people for a time of spiritual renewal and redefining the course of a vibrant and an unwavering church on our continent.
Vision Africa Christian Conferences are multi-denominational gatherings of Christians who need visionary inspiration in their ministry within our African milieu. Even though we may invite special speakers from outside Africa, emphasis shall be on the many gifted and anointed African conference speakers to come and edify the body of believers as we look at some specific themes that are critical to the future advancement of Christianity on the continent of Africa.